Great Cloud of Witnesses

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” -Heb 12:1

The image above is a map of Mexico that Kelly created to depict what it will take in monthly commitments in order for us to make it to the field. Currently, we require 46 monthly commitments at $50 a piece in order to leave.

We completed the bottom part of the map today, listing those who had committed to us throughout our year-long itineration process. As we did this, we were reminded of the “Great Cloud of Witnesses” who are surrounding us with prayer and the financial support that it will take for us to be successful as missionaries to Mexico.

Last night at our service at First A/G in Carthage MO, Pastor Dan asked the congregation to come forward to pray for us at the close of the service. During the prayer time, it was impressed upon me that we are not going to the field on our own. We will be going equipped with the power of your prayers, and I am sure that as you agree in prayer with the Holy Spirit on our behalf, we cannot fail!

Thank you to all of you who make up our “Great Cloud of Witnesses”, and to those of you who will join with them in our support.

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  1. Dan’s avatar

    I like the map, Dave and Kelly! Very nice — even if I can’t read my name. : ) Anyway, just wanted to prove that I actually did visit your site and look through it.
    Have a great day and catch you on the next run!

  2. chuck austin’s avatar

    It seems that you are a little over budget for Mexico. You can live fairly well on $1000 american per month. There are pastors living on way less in Mexico. If you are called for long term missions just go and God will provide. Chuck

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