Dengue Alert in Mérida

mosquitoDengue, also known as “bone break fever”, is a mosquito-borne illness that leads to fever, severe headaches, and joint pain. A more severe and sometimes fatal form of the disease, known as dengue hemorrhagic fever is on the rise in the city of Merida.

Being here in the States for itineration, we’ve received reports from fellow missionaries that the Yucatán, in addition to dealing with the ongoing problems of the swine flu, is now experiencing an outbreak of this serious disease. In their church, four cases have been reported. One case, a teenage boy, was so serious that he had to spend 5 days in the ICU with a temporary pacemaker before he responded to treatment. Our family doctor alone has reported having eight patients all with the serious hemorrhagic form of the disease in the hospital under his care.

Precautions are being taken by some, but the news media has remained strangely silent, perhaps preventing general measures from being taken to stem the spread of this dangerous disease.

In response to this report, we are asking you to pray.

  • Pray for protection for those who have not contracted the disease and for healing for those who are currently suffering.
  • Pray for an increased awareness among the public to help eradicate the breeding grounds for mosquitoes that carry the dengue virus.
  • Pray for an increased effectiveness among the churches in compassionate outreach and bold proclamation as people deal with this life threatening situation.

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