And You Will be My Witnesses


Last week, I told you about Moisés, the teen who was filled with the Spirit during services at his church. We can certainly say that he received a blessing on that evening, but we know that the strength of the Spirit much more than that It is a specific power granted to believers in order to live as examples of the Kingdom of God and to announce it’s coming, and in my Evangelism Class at Instituto Bíblico Bethel, we’re learning to do just that!

One student, Guadalupe, (pictured above) has particularly grasped the idea and is running with it. Having made contact with three individuals through surveys that were a part of her homework for the class, she was able to meet with them in their homes. They are now gathering weekly to study the plan of salvation outlined in the tract, The Four Spiritual Laws. It’s humbling to see how a simple 5 minute survey could be used to bring life change to spiritually hungry people!

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