There’s Just Smething About It…


Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. There is just something about this celebration of our Lord’s incarnation. First, there’s the anticipation of special events and family gatherings. Then, there’s with the expectation, both in the minds of the kids wondering what they’ll receive, and the adults wondering what their reaction will be. This translates into an excitement, even as the cooler temperatures bring a pleasant crispness to the air. At the same time, good cheer translates to warm greetings and quick smiles, whether among friends or even in the presence of perfect strangers. It’s a special time that I always hate to see come to an end.

Still, though the season may come to an end, our memories of Christmas 2012 can live on. One such memory I’d like to share, was our outreach to Yaxkukul, where we were able to participate with our home church, Centro Cristiano Gólgota here in Merida and Sparrow Fellowship in Waterford, PA, to make the Christmas holidays just a bit warmer for the kids of Yaxkukul.

If the name Yaxkukul sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve been there before. That time it was to help coordinate efforts to put a new roof on a building that had previously been declared structurally unsound. Well, the roof is back on, and Pastor Rudy and his church are reaching out again to the community, but, in order to bless their kids, it was going to take a coordinated effort.

That’s where the efforts of Centro Cristiano Gólgota and Sparrow Fellowship come in. Earlier in the year, the kids at Sparrow gathered together their coins to bless kids in Mexico. Working together, they were able to collect over $80! Meanwhile, the kids at Gólgota answered pastor Rudy’s appeal for help. On the day of the outreach, Kelly, the kids and I, used the $80 to purchase blankets, and later joined with the Pastor Maria Jesús Salazar, the parents, and kids of the church to put together a Christmas party for the kids of Yaxkukul.

At the church in Yaxkukul, parents, kids, and church members joined together to sing, play, eat, and gift each child (23 in all) a new toy, blanket, and new clothes as well! It was a great time of togetherness, cooperation, and blessing, for those who gave as well as those who received. There were even fireworks, a decidedly Mexican touch, to cap off this special event brought about by a truly international effort.

Thanks to all who made this outreach possible. Be sure to check out the pictures here!

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