School’s out! The temperatures are finally beginning to rise, and grills are firing up all around the country. Summer must be upon us, and with the change of the season comes news from the Godzwa family!
Before you head out to catch some rays, why not take a moment to read about:
- The tools we’re acquiring to ensure success in our upcoming term?
- Our itineration progress and how you can help speed us to back to Mexico?
- The latest from our family?
Remember, our newsletter in PDF format viewable in Adobe Reader. If you don’t have Adobe Reader installed, you can download it free here:
Tags: Church planting, Newsletter, Vision/Mission
Recent Comments
- David Godzwa on Help We Never Knew We Needed: “Thanks, Mom! Your response is very encouraging. And, yes, Kaixin is always wanting to come along.” Feb 13, 16:07
- Kimberly Yaple on Help We Never Knew We Needed: “Kelly & Dave, You both are a blessing not only to those on the field but to family as well,…” Feb 11, 15:54
- Kim Yaple on Glass Shards: Walking Toward Maturity as Disciples and Missionaries: “Beautiful analogy Kelly. Mom Col. 1:3-14” Jul 12, 18:34
- Kimberly Yaple on Thankfulness in Transition: “I am thankful you arrived here safely and you are here in Erie! You are all a blessing. Love, Mom” Jul 14, 18:31