Growing up in the nineties, we remember the famous CT Studd quote as presented by singer Steve Camp:
“Some people want to live within the sound of chapel bells, but I want to run a mission a yard from the gates of hell.”
As Mexico Area Directors, we’re honored to serve those who work in the hard places. Take places like Guadalajara, where Centro de Adoración a Jesus, the first Assemblies of God church in the city center was dedicated last month. Julio Cesar Andrade, the District Superintendent and event speaker, called it a difficult place. That was evident as both panhandling and prostitution could be observed from the building’s front windows. However, Rich DeMartino, the missionary church planter who founded the work, called it a lighthouse, a beacon to those facing disaster without its presence. We’re glad to have had a hand in establishing this new center of hope in Guadalajara, and we rejoice for its ministry.

Mexico City is another, where colleagues, Paul and Sandy Kazim, have partnered with Projecto Vida Integral, a church ministering to the students of the local Teen Challenge Center and their families. They’re intervening in the lives of desperate people seeking liberation from life-controlling addictions. The Kazims hosted a meal to recognize the installation of its new pastor, Mariano Ramirez, for whom we had the honor to pray.
Whether in bustling urban centers or remote jungle villages, LAC global workers are planting new works and seeing lives changed in the hard places as last month’s Church Planters’ Dialogue in Managua, Nicaragua highlighted. Still, there are many more hard places yet to reach like Distrito Laguna, where the Mexican National Church asks for workers to catalyze outreach efforts, or the major cities of Mexico, languishing for the lack of church planting movements. We’re thankful for your support of us and others working in the hard places. Please keep praying, giving, and going with us until they are reached.
Note: this post is just a portion of what we share in our quarterly newsletter. If you’d like more information from the Godzwas or would like to print this update, take a look at the full PDF version of our quarterly newsletter or, better still, sign up to receive our newsletters direct to your inbox!
Photo captions:
- Dave and pastor Alfredo Trejo of Centro de Adoración a Jesus with fellow global workers, Joel Viera, Rich DeMartino, and Chris Abiuso
- Praying with the Kazims for Mariano Ramirez, pastor of Proyecto Vida Integral
- LAC Missionaries present for the Church Planters’ Dialogue in Managua, Nicaragua