Make New Friends…

…but keep the old,
One is silver and the other gold.

Do you remember that old song? It’s a chorus that describes our past month well as we begin the process of integrating the Northern Triad, the new area we lead, a union of Assemblies of God World Missionaries who labor in Mexico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic, and continue our advocacy work here in the US.

We took our first step in the integration process when we met with both the Dominican Republic and Cuba teams for the first time. These virtual sessions were a moment of transition for each team as they said farewell to their former area directors and welcomed us into our new leadership role. It was eye-opening to hear of the ongoing work in each country, from church planting, construction, and Bible distribution under extreme circumstances in Cuba to young adult ministries and ministries of compassion to refugees in the Dominican Republic. We left these meetings encouraged by their efforts and optimistic about what these new friendships can achieve.

At the same time we experienced multiple moments of affirmation on the itineration trail as old friends like veteran missionaries Rich and Jenni DeMartino advocated for us to speak at their home church in Ephrata, PA; our former youth pastor, Jim Grove, hosted us for a Wednesday night service in Erie, PA; and Kevin and Taurina Smith graciously named us as featured speakers during Northland Cathedral’s Missions Experience in Kansas City, MO. We are humbled by the open doors these friends and so many others have given us to share about the work in the Northern Triad and to influence their congregations.

Old friends and new, as we work together, we believe the best is yet to come. Thank you, faithful ones, for standing with us with your prayers and support and for welcoming these new members to the team!

Photo Captions:

  1. Dave shares about our expanded leadership role as Northern Triad Area Directors during the opening service of Northland Cathedral’s Missions Experience.

  2. Kelly shares her story with the ladies of Northland Cathedral.

  3. Our time with the DeMartinos in Ephrata, PA also included a ride in their convertible!

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