In our advocacy work, we’ve been sharing about the state of the mission. While we thank God for our movement’s tremendous growth, we’re humbled by the unfinished task and the more than 3 billion who have little to no access to the gospel. We realize that we cannot be content with the status quo. To rise to the challenge, we must increase our capacity.

We’re glad to say this past month has given us reason to believe we’re progressing on multiple fronts. Welcoming new Global Workers (GWs), we’re increasing in number. Strategizing with fellow leaders, we’re retooling for greater effectiveness, and emphasizing prayer, we’re increasing our sensitivity.
Many hands make light work, so it was with pleasure that we joined the team that welcomed 27 new associate and several candidate GWs participating in Pre-Field Orientation (PFO) week in Springfield, MO (Oct. 13-18). We introduced the Bible In Ministry Competency to the group and confirmed a new worker for the Northern Triad who’s headed to central Mexico.
An old boss used to say, “Work smarter, not harder.” However, working smarter requires an arduous process called evaluation. So as Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) strives to increase our effectiveness, we’re learning to embrace it. Following PFO, we met with the Global Resource Training Team (GRTT) to advance the restructuring of initial GW training to increase relevance and reduce redundancy, while at the Global Leadership Summit (Oct. 22-27) we learned how AGWM as a whole is reinventing itself as a dynamically developing organization, providing GWs opportunities for growth at all levels.
Of course, without the Lord’s direction, even our best efforts would be in vain. Therefore, we’re taking more time for prayer, personally and corporately, to listen to Him and discern His will.
Yes, the need is great, but we’re increasing our capacity to meet it. Thanks for supporting us in our efforts!
Photo captions:
- During PFO Week in Springfield, MO, we welcomed new candidate GW, Liz Dyvig, to the Northern Triad. She’s preparing for ministry in central Mexico.
- Following our time at PFO, we gathered with the GRTT to evaluate and improve GW training.
- Prayer is a key part of all our events, including the Global Leadership Summit.
Tags: Missionary Training, Missions, Prayer, team ministry