Running Strong Into the New Year

We look back on 2024 with gratitude, but we’re asking the Lord for more in 2025, running with perseverance the race He has marked out for us. That race began early on December 28th with an actual marathon. Dave ran the Run for the Ranch Marathon in Springfield, MO, completing the 26.2-mile effort in 3:18:53 and qualifying for the Boston Marathon—a BQ!

Riding that high, we kicked off a two-week tour to enlist new workers at the Chi Alpha Southeast (XA SE) Salt, encourage colleagues during the National Convention of the Assemblies of God of the Dominican Republic (DR), and inspire the church as we continue our advocacy work for the Northern Triad.

The XA SE Salt (January 2-5) in Asheville, NC, was an opportunity to connect with missions-minded university students. We shared meals with 8 groups interested in and eager to know how to get involved with what God is doing in Mexico, Cuba, and the DR. We’re especially thankful for the 56 students who entered the missions pipeline after their time with our Latin America Caribbean (LAC) team, taking the next step toward cross-cultural service.

The National Convention of the Assemblies of God of the DR (January 8-10) was our first visit to the country as Northern Triad Area Directors. We were impressed by the capable global worker (GW) team that is establishing the church in innovative ways. We spent meaningful time with the GW families, familiarizing ourselves with their ministry and assuring them of our support. We also met the national church leadership and heard their heart for church planting and ministry among the displaced Haitian community.

Our continuing tour is bookended by missions services in St. Louis, MO and Wilbraham, MA. On December 29th, we expressed our gratitude for Comunidad Cristiana Maranata’s faithful support and invited them to increase their involvement in the discipleship of the nations. January 12th is our first chance to speak at Evangel A/G, and we’re excited about the variety of groups we’ll interact with—children, youth, and adults!

We’re running strong in 2025. Thanks for sustaining us with your prayers and support!

Photo Captions:

  1. Before the Convention, we went to La Vega, DR, visiting team members and ministry sites. Here, GWs Mitch Martinez and Joseph Kim pray for a Haitian pastor.
  2. The LAC Team at the XA SE SALT Conference at our booth in the Missions Lounge
  3. All smiles before Dave’s BQ! Kelly, Jonathan, and our friend, Bethany, cheered him on.

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