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- David Godzwa on Help We Never Knew We Needed: “Thanks, Mom! Your response is very encouraging. And, yes, Kaixin is always wanting to come along.” Feb 13, 16:07
- Kimberly Yaple on Help We Never Knew We Needed: “Kelly & Dave, You both are a blessing not only to those on the field but to family as well,…” Feb 11, 15:54
- Kim Yaple on Glass Shards: Walking Toward Maturity as Disciples and Missionaries: “Beautiful analogy Kelly. Mom Col. 1:3-14” Jul 12, 18:34
- Kimberly Yaple on Thankfulness in Transition: “I am thankful you arrived here safely and you are here in Erie! You are all a blessing. Love, Mom” Jul 14, 18:31