
We have now taken over the role of Mexico Area Director. As such, we ask you to stand with us as we collaborate with the team that directs ministry throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, as we serve in leadership over the missionaries serving throughout the country of Mexico, and as we work as a liaison between Assemblies of God World Missions and the national church of Mexico. You may support us in the following ways:

Prayer Support

We desperately need your prayers on our behalf. Please commit to praying for the Godzwa family, and for Mexico. Check back here monthly for updates to this list, or sign up for our newsletter to have them delivered straight to your inbox!

This month, rejoice with us:

  • Joseph and Tatiana’s wedding celebration (6/8) was beautiful!
  • We had a successful Missionary Training (6/13) with animated participation during our sessions and positive comments from trainees and facilitators alike.

…and pray for:

  • The family and friends (especially wife Justine and children Mimi and Ibrahim) of Mexican Missionary, Antonio Calderon, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer last month.
  • God’s blessing on our 2024-2025 advocacy efforts. We’re asking for more resources and laborers to help complete the unfinished task of Mexico’s redemption.

Financial Support

We would ask that you consider supporting our ministry to make disciples in Mexico.

Join Us in Mexico

If God is calling you to go, we’re inviting you to come! On our regional website, you can select from a variety of positions of varying lengths, from a few months to multiple years!

Thank you for standing with us. We appreciate each and every one of you!