Friends Along the Way

We’ve been blessed as we’ve been itinerating in Southern Missouri and beyond to be able to foster wonderful relationships throughout our fellowship. We want to thank those of you who have had a part in helping us along the road and those of you who have gone the extra mile to include us into your church family. One such relationship was deepened as we got a chance to share lunch with Matthew and Kristi Mason in Ellington, MO.

Rebekah had a fun time playing with Caitlin while the boys got to play on pastor’s drumset following our excellent lunch at the Orange Blossom. Even more fulfilling was the chance for Kelly and I to share in the joys and challenges that come with following God’s call as we spent the afternoon together. Isn’t this what carrying one another’s burdens all about?

Thank you Masons, and thanks to all who have made our itineration a joy.

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