Articles by Dave

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TopeThe roads in Mexico are a pleasant surprise compared to the deteriorated byways that we had gotten used to in Costa Rica. We have a wonderfully paved road outside of our home, and it has been some time since I’ve had to swerve like a slalom skier to avoid ramming one of our wheels in a pothole. However, what makes the Mexican driving experience unique are the “topes” (pronounced tow-pays)

Topes are the Mexican version of speed bumps, although an American speed bump can’t hold a candle to a tope. Usually taller than they are wide, they’ll give you a bone-shattering shock if you happen to hit one unawares, bringing about a tongue-lashing from any passenger who just might be in your car. Believe me, it only takes one or two of those experiences to learn to slow down when driving, especially through small towns and neighborhoods.

The big problem with topes is that they are usually in the oddest places. From time to time, you can find them before a busy intersection or at a school or church crossing, but often they’re in the middle of nowhere, and the diamond shaped indication signs usually only give you a few feet of warning before your vehicle crashes into the unforgiving mound of resistance.

Topes, though, have a much larger meaning for the missionary or ex-patriot. The tope signifies the unexpected resistance that we experience as we continue in our work of cultural assimilation. Cruising along a comfortable speed, making strides in language, food, and relationships, inevitably we face topes that remind us that the land that we are in, although each day more familiar, is truly foreign.

We’ve been in Mexico almost 8 months now, and we are comfortably eating the yucatecan food, speaking more aporreado (what is referred to as the yucatecan accent), and building friendships with people in and outside of the church community, but we still experience our topes. Mine most recently has been in the form of our front yard.

Formerly working an 8-5 job in the states, I prided myself with the ability to keep up my front yard. I mowed regularly, trimmed the bushes and spread fertilizer in the spring and fall. Not given to excesses, except one post-season when I mowed the Yankees interlocking NY in the grass, I still felt satisfied in having a green, presentable garden.

Remembering all of this, I fell in love with the small, manageable green space that our current house gave me. I had visions of “working the land” again, and looked forward to the wealth of sermon illustrations that this labor of love would afford me, but the more I got involved in the day to day hustle and bustle of being a missionary in Mexico, the less and less time I had to devote to keeping up the garden.

So, by chance, I happened to find a gardener who could help me at least trim our trees. At less than $17 American, it was a deal that I couldn’t afford to pass up. Then came the tope. Unable to find the same gardener, I asked for a recommendation from our landlord. I contracted one of the two he recommended to trim our trees, this time for what I thought would amount to about $20. The bone-shattering shock came, however, when I realized, after the work was done, that it was to be $20 for each tree. Ouch!

Determined not to fall into the same mistake, but still needing a gardener more than ever, I contacted one after comparing the quotes of our neighbor’s gardener and one other who works in the neighborhood. We were needing help for our heat suffering grass and weed infested flowerbeds. After having negotiated what I thought was a good price, I let him go to work, but soon into the labor, I began to find the hidden costs, $20 more for extra insecticide, $70 for more plants, etc. Can someone say “TOPE!”

We expect blockades in ministry. We anticipate the frustrations that we may have to face in communicating our heart in a foreign tongue, but I guarantee that problems with the care of my front lawn never even entered into my mind. Like topes these complications hit me unexpectedly.

Still, I have to say I’m thankful for my tope experiences. Although they’ve been painful, they’ve slowed me down enough to think about my life and work. They’ve proven to me time and time again, that Dave Godzwa alone can’t get the job done. There needs to be someone else involved with a higher perspective, one who can guide us through even the unexpected situations.

So, although I’m sure that I’ll continue to feel the bumps along this road of cultural assimilation, I’ll thank God for them because I know that they’ll slow me down enough to refocus my vision on Him–the one who’s mapping my course, and who just happens to know where those topes are.

Photo Credits:

Above: Members of the Chi Alpha Spring Break Missions Team, Julia, Bethany, Ashley and Kelsey spell tope while standing on one. Photo by Bethany Chroniger

In article description: A photo of a common tope warning sign.

Reunion of pastors and church representatives in Ticul, Yucatán, México. Dave will serve as part of the team counting votes for district officials.

The fourth in a series of evangelism training classes to be held at Golgotha Christian Center in Mérida, Yucatan

Following our series on the Muna Missions Trip, things have been pretty quite here on, but that is not to say that we’re without things to write about. If you’ve been watching our sidebar events calendar, you’ve seen that the Godzwa family has been busy. We’d like to catch you up to date on all of the information with a round-up post:

Evangelism Series

Agua de VidaTo start, Dave has been teaching an ongoing evangelism series at the Golgotha Christian Center in Mérida. Each Thursday night for the past month, we’ve been meeting to discover the God’s heart for evangelism, returning to the Bible to discover the guidance it gives to those who would join in His search for the lost.

Beyond the teaching, we’ve also been offering opportunities for the members of the church to involve themselves in practical forms of evangelism. The last Saturday in March, we joined with the children of the church to celebrate the arrival of Spring. In the 90 degree heat, the evangelism team handed out bottles of water along with cards that read, “Do you feel dry? Jesus is the Water of Life!” We also handed out copies of Luke’s gospel to those who received the water. It was quite a site to see so many neighbors receiving and reading the information.

Preaching Engagements

Natanael's PuebloOur family was invited to three separate preaching engagements. The first was Palm Sunday with Pastor Natanael Ku. We traveled about 30 minutes outside of the city to spend the day with his family and celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the official start of the Holy Week. We were able to share with the congregation as well as spend time with many in the community, Christian and Non-Christian, coming face to face with many of the needs that Pastor Natanael faces on a daily basis.

Beyond our time in the country, we were also invited to discuss, at Golgotha Christian Center, an interesting teaching of Jesus during the traditional Tuesday of Controversy. This evening we considered the passage in Matt. 22:15-22 where Jesus displays the conflicted righteousness that man uses to justify his actions in contrast to the freedom that following Jesus brings.

In addition to these events, we spent time in Mount Hermon Church, which sits to the south of the city. There we were able to observe Good Friday with the members of the congregation, observing the work that Jesus did for us on the cross.

Water Baptism

BaptismalThis past Saturday, a highlight of our busy weeks, we were able to witness the baptism of 6 members of our home congregation. With the whole church traveling to the Gulf of Mexico to to take part, the baptismal candidates received their charge, waded into the waters and one by one were dipped below the waters, symbolizing death to their old life and their rebirth with Christ to life anew. We’re including a video attached to this post to for those who visit the site.

Of course, none of this activity would be possible without your prayers and support. Thank you for being involved in what God is doing here in Mexico!

Good Friday

Holy Week preaching engagement at Mount Hermon Church, Mérida, Yucatán.
Pastor: Gilda Molina

Holy Week preaching engagement at Golgotha Christian Center Church Mérida, Yucatán.
Pastor: Orlando Vázquez

The third in a series of evangelism training classes to be held at Golgotha Christian Center in Mérida, Yucatan

This is the conclusion of our time-delayed coverage of the Spring Break Chi Alpha Missions Team that we hosted from March 10-17 in Muna, Yucatán. For the full story you might want to start at the beginning.

Thursday, March 15th

Ashley Sitting Thursday marked our final day of work in Muna, and certainly a bittersweet time for all of us. We finished painting the pastor’s house just in time to see the carpenters tearing down the walls of the pastor’s old home. They were removing the old home in order to make way for the columns that will support the new second floor of the church, where new classrooms will be built. With the new home completed, the pastor and his family were able to begin to move their possessions looking forward to a new house, and a new church building as well.

Thursday was also a day for finishing our ministry. Helmer preached to the youth of the church a message about being called upon by God to do what others may feel is the impossible. Speaking from the story of David and Goliath, he called upon the youth to prepare themselves now, in their daily routines, for the task that God has in store for them.

In a way, he was telling our story. In the course of a week’s time, God had taken a group of youth and their leaders out of their comfort zone, their daily routines, and thrust them into service for him.Mike and Dave Ministering He took a group of very dissimilar people, and brought them together to see something happen in Muna. And something did happen. We saw work done and a church being built, but more than that, we saw God touch the lives of children, youth and adults alike.

As the final service came to a close, the members of the church filed past us, each one blessing us for what we had allowed God to do through us. Few dry eyes were to be found in the building.

All of this wouldn’t have happened had we chosen to stay at home. It wouldn’t have happened if each member of the team hadn’t determined to sacrifice their Spring Break to fly to a corner of Mexico, where the people still speak Maya and the main mode of transportation is the bicycle, as an answer to God’s call.

We would have missed out as well. God did a special work inside each member of the group during the week’s time. Mike has put together a special video report of the trip. In it, you’ll be able to hear from each team member their impression of the trip.

So as we conclude this extended report of the Spring Break Missions Team, I’d like to thank each member: Mike, Ashley, Bethany, Helmer, Julia, Kaia, Kelsey, Kelly, Rebekah, Joseph, and Jonathan for their involvement, and I’d like to challenge you to say yes to the call of God on your life. True his plan can succeed without you, but what a privilege to be able to partner with Him to see something beautiful happen–Not only in those being served, but in those serving as well.

We’re continuing our time-delayed coverage of the Spring Break Chi Alpha Missions Team from March 10-17. If you need to catch up you can start at this post and continue to this point.

Wednesday, March 14

Children's ServiceBefore Mike and the team landed here in Merida, he had several planning sessions with them. In one of those planning sessions, he gave each member of the team a packing list of items that they’d need for the trip. Among those items were flexibility and a servant’s heart. It became the chant of the trip. Each time we loaded up to go somewhere, someone asked if we were bringing along our flexibility and our servant’s heart. Wednesday was just one example of how important those items would be.

After the Tuesday kid’s service in the football stadium, the pastor asked us to plan to host the children one more time, this time in the church for their regular children’s service. Originally, we were planning for 4 services: two on Sunday, one on Tuesday and another on Thursday for youth. Getting short on material, I didn’t know what the team had in their bag to pull out on short notice. Also, after some hectic days of work and ministry, I thought that a few of the students might be looking forward to their break. Still, approaching the members with the news, having packed their flexibility, they all were willing to go forward with the service.

After some last-minute planning, the team was ready. We had a skit, a testimony, some songs, and a project, probably about an hour of material. However, after the hour was nearly over, several kids were still arriving. Pastor asked us to continue the service so that the latecomers would be able to be involved as well. I went to the team again with the news, partly expecting some exasperation, but, servant’s heart intact, they were all happy extend things. A song and another skit later it was time for “pato, pato, ganzo” (duck, duck, goose) on the patio.

We can list a host of other situations that required those essentials, the need to repaint the Pastor’s home because the wrong color was delivered, the fact that our hotel came equipped with only one shower, and the need to drive 30 minutes to another town to get team cash because Muna didn’t have an ATM. Nevertheless, because the team came equipped with the necessities, even the lack of necessary rooms didn’t check their stride.

Planning to minister in the near future? Don’t forget to pack your flexibility and servant’s heart!

Tonight, the Chi Alpha missions team is back reporting about their experiences in their Thursday Night Worship Service. Here as well, on, our time-delayed report continues:

Tuesday, March 13th

What do you do when you don’t know the language and you want to convey the love of Jesus? You spend time with people. And that is exactly what our team did during our special children’s service on Tuesday.

After a few hours of painting, we headed out to hand out fliers announcing our children’s service. Using the back of a pickup as our transportation, we went from house to house, meeting kids and their parents, dressed in our work clothes, inviting them to come and see what these crazy Americans were doing. And came they did, at first only a few, but in time, the stands began to fill with curious kids and their relatives.

Several songs, skits, a project, and a couple of football (soccer) games later, they had passed from a group of curious onlookers to a bunch of new friends, and it wasn’t because of our mastery of the language. It was because a group of university students decided to take a week’s vacation and give themselves completely to showing the kids of Muna the love of Jesus, no matter how silly that they looked trying!

Speaking of silliness, take a look at the attached video. Here, Mike, Helmer, and I are leading the crowd in the song “Trading my Sorrows.” We’re thankful that the phrase “la, la, la” works in Spanish and in English!

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