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We are continuing an ongoing series following the experiences of our first missions team here in the Yucatan

Monday, March 12th

Kelsey PaintingMonday arose with a day of work planned. We were to paint the pastor’s home as they were preparing to tear down the old house standing in the way of the construction of the church. The paint was bought and the team, using rollers, brushes, paint, elbow grease, and Christian camp songs began the work. Little by little the rough walls began to take on their new look. Here you can see Kelsey putting on the first coat. (Unfortunately for us, the paint we used on the first day was totally incorrect, leaving us to repaint what we had done over again, but that is for another post.)

The highlight of the day actually came from a darkened room. An off night of ministry for us, we gathered with the congregation for prayer in their traditional prayer service. When we arrived, however, we were a bit confused. The lights in the church were off. We had thought perhaps that service was canceled. Looking for direction from those in the pastor’s home, we were told that it was the custom of the congregation to pray in this manner. So we entered in to join the many who were already seeking God.

What resulted was impacting. Mike, my brother, mentioned his impression later in this way: When I felt that I had prayed enough, I looked up, expecting perhaps that the congregation would have finished as well, when I realized that they hadn’t, I continued in my prayers the darkness helping me to maintain my focus and the time allowing me to connect with God in a way that our busy distracted lives don’t often allow.

What an irony, that in our week of finding (remember from our last post that our theme was Luke 15) we could actually encounter God in a new way by turning off the lights! We learned in that evening to set aside our i-pods, our power point presentations, and movie clip sermon illustrations for awhile in order to allow God to speak to us in a totally unscripted, unorchestrated way. We also learned that missions trips are not only about giving, but receiving as well. So are you interested in finding God? Try turning off the distractions for a moment and letting Him speak.

We will join with the children of Golgota Christian Center as they celebrate spring with an evangelistic outreach. The children will parade as the adults will participate in contact evangelism.

The second in a series of evangelism training classes to be held at Golgotha Christian Center in Mérida, Yucatan

Sunday, March 11th
Mike and the SheepAs I had stated previously, you’re reading these updates via time delay. Our Chi Alpha Missions Team is now settling back into their routines on campus, but there remains much to be told:

We arose the morning of March 11th a bit less worse for the wear from a night of sleeping without our pillows but looking forward to the work of the day. We ate breakfast at Mun Ha, which serves some great huevos rancheros (eggs ranch-style). Our bellies full, we left for the church.

The theme for the week was Luke 15: the stories of the lost sheep, lost coin, and the lost son. The classes were divided with the team going to minister with the children. I spent the morning with the adults working verse by verse through the chapter and showing how our growth in discipleship is shown by the measure in which we reflect the activity of Jesus. Jesus searched for the lost and rejoiced when they were found. We too as Christians, or Christ-like people reflect Christ’s love when we act this manner.

It just so happened that the night before we were looking for lost things, namely Helmer’s Resident Visa Card. So, although I lost out on prep time, the ready illustration about the relief and joy that we felt in finding the card, drove home the point I was trying to teach. What Mike had related the night before was coming to pass.

The real highlight of the day, however, happened during the evening service. Recapping the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, Mike preached, with Helmer translating, on the love of the father–a love so extravagant that would cause a grown man to act foolish as he ran to embrace his filthy disgraced son who was “lost but now found.” The response from those in the church was immediate and heartfelt. In a country that has had to deal with an absence of loving fathers, Mike’s message had struck a chord.

Yes, God was empowering us on the way, and we truly felt his presence helping us relate and minister across language barriers, as team members and church members joined in prayer around the altars. That night, back at Mun Ha, we shared our joy as we had experienced the amazing work of God through us.

Missions Team GreetingAs I have noted in my previous post, the Chi Alpha Missions Team has come, ministered, and gone. However, there remains a story to be told. In this “Missions Team” series, we’ll be revisiting some of the events of the past week.

Saturday, March 10th:
Yesterday had been a time of last minute preparations: buying medicine for those who might get sick, Gatorade for the heat that we are expecting, confirmation of our rooms at Mun Ha, the place where we are going to stay, and the preparation of the Sunday School lesson that I will give. Of course, nothing is quite where I want it to be, but I’m counting on time in Muna to be able to finish everything off.

I’m worried a bit about the team. Mike emailed and let me know that van trouble had canceled their skit practice. Their worship set has yet to be developed. Still, there is no time to think about a “plan b.” We pack and head out to drop off our two pet “budgie” birds and head to the airport.

Presidential PlaneThe airport is a mess with security checkpoints, armed guards and commotion on the runway. The President of the United States is arriving Monday, and already a huge airplane holding his vehicles has landed and is being unloaded. Needless to say, there are delays. The group’s plan was supposed to have landed by 1:30 but doesn’t touch the ground until well after two. The passengers come off in a trickle until, finally, around 3:00, the team is off. After hugs for “Uncle Mike” and greetings between the team and the group from Muna, Jeovany, Hasabias, and Israel, the missions trip begins with our trip to meet Pastor Julian and settle our things at Mun Ha.

Lunch was wonderful with warm exchanges between the group and the women preparing the meal. Pastor greets us and verifies the work for the week. We finish and head to our rooms in order to prepare for the morning’s service, but upon arrival, we find out that Helmer, our worship leader and most fluent Spanish-speaker, has left his resident visa at the airport. So long preparation time. Adios skit practice. It’s time for a return trip to the airport!

Before Helmer and I leave, however, the group gathers for a devotional and prayer. The trip has started at a pretty hectic pace, and many of our expectations have been unfulfilled, but Mike’s words of encouragement are well received: “God has a tendency to empower on the way,” he says. That’s not to say that we have an excuse for lack of preparation, but after we’ve done what we can, we need to leave Him space to move, and if we commit to following His plan for the week, we can expect to see Him touch lives and hearts, not only those of the people of Muna, but our lives as well. I feel lead to “release” the team to minister. This trip is not mine to make or break. We are operating as a community of believers and we can expect God to use each one of us.

As we head off down the road to Mérida to recover the lost visa, there is a sense of peace in each one of us. There is also an excitement about what God is going to do through this team. May your will be done Lord!

Mun HaAbout 9 days ago, I posted about the arrival of the Chi Alpha team from Washington D.C. Well in that time they’ve arrived, ministered, painted, toured, and should now be back in D.C. recovering just in time to start up classes again this Monday. However, for those of you who are following from home, the fun is just beginning. Like the time-delayed coverage of the Olympics of years past, we’re offering coverage of our first missions team along with all of the twists and turns along the way.

The series reads as follows: (Just click on the first title and click on the back arrow to come back to this listing)

Post #1: Anticipation
Post #2: The Love of the Father

Post #3: Looking for God in the Dark
Post #4: Doing What it Takes
Post #5: Flexibility? Check!
Post #6: Wrapping Things Up

Note: The picture above is a picture of where our family stayed while we were ministering in Muna. The site is called Mun-Ha, and boasts traditional cabanas (no A/C or indoor plumbing folks) complete with grass roofs, offering the perfect base for a week of servant-ministry.

Preaching engagement at Maranatha Church Tixpeual, Yucatán.
Pastor: Natanael Ku Cetina

Mexican Official Holiday celebrating the birthday of Benito Juarez. Considered by some to be the Mexican Abraham Lincoln, this full-blooded Oaxacan Indian served as president of Mexico during the tumultuous War of the Reform and the following French Intervention. One of the most beloved figures in Mexico history, his image is visible in paintings and sculptures throughout the country.

Typical home in MunaIf you’ve been looking at the Upcoming Events module, We’re nearly set to embark on our first missions team project. We’ll be headed south from Mérida to the small city of Muna. There, Kelly, the kids, and I, along with a group from America University’s Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (led by my twin brother, Mike), will be building, painting, and evangelizing. We’ll be partnering with the Lilly of the Valley Church, pastored by Julian Puc Tum to raise a column to support the second floor of their building, painting in the newly constructed pastoral home, and holding evangelistic services for kids and youth.

We ask that you would join with us in prayer as we work with this group. We would ask for your prayers concerning our safety during the construction, our health, especially for those adjusting to the new environment and foods, and our outreach. Also, we would ask that you would pray for the team members. Many future missionaries are called during missions trips like this one. Pray that God would not only touch hearts in Muna, but also those of our group, that they might be open to His call to “Go!”

Needless to say, this one week trip will see me away from the computer for a while. So, although you are always free to drop a comment, it may be held in moderation before being published. While you are waiting for the comment to go, why don’t you head over to our photo album to view shots of Muna and the surrounding area.

We’re hosting our first missions team!

My brother Mike and 6 members of his Chi Alpha group from American University in Washington, DC will be working in Muna, Yucatan with Pastor Julian Puc in order to lend a hand in the construction of their second floor as well as minister to youth and children.

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