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This is a shot of the outreach team in front the shelter that is currently being used as a meeting place for the mission. This past Saturday, July 16th, in Oxcum, Yucatan, the class members of my Practical Evangelism class took part in an all day evangelistic event that they planned, organized, and executed from start to finish.  Here is an overview of what took place by the numbers:


  • Class members: 28
  • Medical Professionals: 2
  • Hairstylists: 10
  • Clowns: 1
  • Mariachis: 1
  • Evangelists: 1


  • Medical Consultations: 50
  • Fluoride Treatments: 40
  • Haircuts: 100
  • Pieces of clothing distributed: 200+
  • Bags of Groceries donated: 20
  • Commitment cards signed: 10

Of course, it’s impossible to quantify the seeds planted, the attitudes toward the gospel changed, or the faith grown in the lives of all who took part in the activity.  Thank you to all who prayed for the event.

If you’re interested, more photos are available here or on facebook!


This Saturday, the 28 students from my Practical Evangelism class, together with a host of doctors, orthodontists, and stylists are planning a targeted evangelistic outreach to the community of Oxcum, Yucatán. In this town known for problems with drug addiction and alcoholism, the class elected to assist Ruben Sanguino, the leader of the Assemblies of God mission, as he looks to bring tangible proof of God’s love to his community.

Starting at 9:00 AM we will be setting up a social outreach designed to bring medical and dental attention as well as address hygiene concerns. Following the outreach the people will be given the opportunity to respond to God’s love through evangelistic services that will be held on the site in the evening.

Pray with us won’t you?

  • Pray for good weather. We are in the middle of the rainy season, and rain could suspend the event or limit the number of people that we would able to impact.
  • Pray for unity among the students and volunteers that will be participating in the event. May they see the love of God in us in the way we interact with one another on site.
  • Pray for those who will attend, that even now they would begin to sense the need in their hearts.
  • Pray finally that we all will be sensitive to what God would have us do, before, during, and following the event.

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In 2008, then Bible School Director Silverio Blanco and I met to talk about ways in which we could work together to update the facilities of Instituto Bíblico, Bethel. Since that time, we’ve invited others to join with us to make the vision that we put down on paper a reality. Finally, that vision is coming to fruition.

This Spring, construction began on a new building for Bethel. This will hold a cafeteria, a library, and a multipurpose room that can be used as an additional, much needed, classroom. This month, Sparrow Fellowship from Waterford, PA, was our first team to lend a hand in construction. They worked for a week, not only laying a foundation and building walls, but more importantly investing in the mission of raising up new leaders for the work here in the Yucatan.

Take a look at the pictures below for some of the week’s action:

“From June 11-18, 2011, Sparrow Fellowship came to Merida to help in the construction at Bethel Bible Institute.”

From Sparrow Fellowship Team. Posted by David Godzwa on 6/24/2011 (9 items)

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2

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In light of recent events, it’s easy to fall to the temptation of asking: Does God see; does He even care? Fortunately, as we are observant, God show us examples of that care, how we are worth more to Him “than many sparrows.”

We witnessed one such example, in Tzalam, Yucatan. There, in a garage that served as a place of worship, we gathered in prayer. We asked God to bless the fledgling congregation led there by Pastor Eucebio Pech, and we prayed that out of that place would rise up witnesses of God’s love for that community and beyond.

Finishing our prayer, my brother, Mike, who had been visiting with his Chi Alpha team, asked me what the needs are in that community. He wanted to know the hindrances to the gospel in that place. I told him quite frankly that transportation was the big issue. The pastor didn’t own a car, and the 10 year old scooter that he used no longer had the power to drive the hills between his town and the people of Tzalam. The only way to reach his congregation was to borrow a motorcycle that wasn’t always readily available. He needed dependable transportation to be able to faithfully continue his ministry in Tzalam and in the other four communities where pastored. Mike and the team left with a burden in their heart and a mind to do something about it.

Pastor Eucebio's son, Niger with the suspect part of the broken scooter.Having returned to DC, they had found that the work that they had done in fundraising had more than covered the cost of their trip. In fact, they had $1,000 dollars to invest in a used motorcycle for Eucebio. That’s wonderful news, but we haven’t got to the good part yet.

It turned out that in the course of the month and a half that had passed from the time that the team had returned until they notified me about the extra offering, Eucebio’s 10 year old scooter had finally broken down. Without funds to fix it, not only was ministry in Tzalam in jeopardy, but also in the other missions to which he had to travel. The $1,000 blessing arrived “just in time” to fill the need.

So, as we reflect on God’s involvement in our lives, I hope that you are encouraged by how he met the need of one pastor in Tunkás, Yucatán, and I pray that, even before you find yourself questioning, you’ll be reminded that in whatever situation you may be in, He knows.

Pastor Eucebio, gladly receiving the help from DC Chi Alpha.

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New Leadership for the Yucatan Last week was our District Convention, a pivotal convention in which new leadership was elected. Our former superintendent was forced to step down because of term limits, leaving the convention to vote for another to take his place. I appreciate those who committed to praying for the selection process.

Of course, the selection is just the beginning. It is important to have the right person in place, but it is even more important the the right person do the right thing after having taken office. Therefore, I submit to you the list of the current leadership of the Yucatan District. These are the people with whom we have the privilege of working side by side to see God’s will be done in this state as it is in Heaven.

District Superintendent: Tomás Vera
District Secretary: Raúl Sánchez
District Treasurer: Felipe Sabido

Regional Presbyters:
West: Juan Hau
South: Rosendo Cabrera
East: Amelio Águila
North: Manuel Diaz
Central: Fernando Moctezuma

Missions Director: Abel Can
Coordinator of Ministry to Ethnic Groups: Miriam Pech
Christian Education Director: Jorge Canto
Evangelism President: Moises Diaz
Spiritual Retreat Coordinator: Willer Pompeyo

Would you take a moment and lift these leaders up in prayer? Pray that God would give them a vision for the work. Pray for wisdom as they carry out their duties, and pray for blessing and protection for them and for their families.

A Special Day

I had the privilege of praying for Ivan Lopez at the close of the Bible School graduation service on Monday. It was truly a meaningful event. Monday was graduation day for the 64th class of Bethel Bible Institute, but it was remarkable for more than the proof of this institution’s longevity. It was the launching out into ministry of a group with whom I had shared a special bond.

I had taught them a total of two classes, but my heart swelled to see them finish their three years at Bethel. There was a sense of satisfaction, the feeling that I had helped this group reach their destination. And the feeling was shared. As the ceremonies finished, several of the class told me that they would never forget the impact that I had had on their lives. One student in particular embraced me and thanked me for what I had taught and modeled before him.

No. It wasn’t any amazing word that I had spoken into their lives that had made the impact. It wasn’t any particular truth that had meant the world to them. In fact, if I were to have grilled them on the spot. I would dare say that they would have all had to search hard in order to repeat even the most bare essentials of the Evangelism or the Church History course that I had taught them. The impact that had been made, the bond that we shared was forged in a different way. It came about through shared experience.

I hadn’t necessarily planned it. I had noticed at the time that the Evangelism course that I was teaching was going to finish short on hours. I made a comment to the director, and he suggested that I have the class hold a campaign in order to make up the time. I was less than enthusiastic about the suggestion, but I presented it to the class. They took it and ran.

In a few weeks time, they had organized themselves and planned the event. There was to be services, a medical outreach, and a clothing giveaway, but a blown radiator on the way made some wonder if the event was even going to take place. Still, that precious time of adversity and the fulfillment of having together pushed through to see God’s blessing in perseverance was invaluable to forging the relationship that still holds two and a half years later.

Taking that trip with them and staying with them through the crisis opened the door for me to speak to their lives, but the benefit was reciprocal. They were no longer just students. They had become friends. I wasn’t only teaching; I was learning as well, and it was that shared experience, that trip that I had only reluctantly agreed to lead, that had made it all possible.

Many of my colleagues have said that what impacts students most during their time in Bible School is not what they learn in the classroom. It is the time outside of the classroom: the words of counsel over a cup of coffee, the visit to their home by their professor, or even the evangelistic event in which they participate together that indelibly affects them. On Monday night, as I left that graduation event, I found myself in total agreement.

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Here in Mérida, Holy Week, the week before Resurrection Sunday, is one of our busiest times of the year. Starting on Palm Sunday and extending throughout the week our schedule is filled with services, each remembering a special aspect of Jesus’s final week of ministry. My favorite day of this week, though, is Saturday, the day on which the biblical record is silent. That’s because Saturday is the day when Centro Cristiano Gólgota, our home church, chooses to baptize.

I like it because baptism enables us to identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Exactly following our Friday remembrance of his work on the cross, each baptism candidate is able to symbolically bury their old life in the baptismal waters and be raised again to new life as they anticipate the Resurrection morning celebration the very next day. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the rebirth that we’ve experienced because of Christ’s resurrection. Of course, the fact that it all takes place at the beach doesn’t hurt matters either.

That’s right, this Saturday morning, the church met at 8 AM and took the 30 minute drive to Progreso for the sea-side service. After assembling the baptismal candidates, singing songs, and reading passages about the significance of baptism, those participating in the ceremony waited as the ministers waded into the water to receive the candidates. Then, one by one, the candidates were led out into the ocean and baptized in turn.

This year was especially memorable as I was able to perform my first baptisms here in Mexico. I waded into the water with our Deputy Superintendent, Samuel Vazquez, and shared with him the honor of baptizing the youth and adults who will be welcomed as members of the church tomorrow. Included in this group were two of youth that attend our the Sunday school class that Kelly and I teach. The pictures included in this post are of those youth.

Finishing things up with fish fry! Following the baptisms, it’s time to celebrate! We take to the water to enjoy the beach together, and wrap things up with with a meal of fried fish complete with pickled onions, lemon, and plenty of tortillas! Forget the baptistery! Every church should baptize this way!

How about you? What’s your favorite Holy Week or Resurrection Sunday tradition? Make a comment and share it with us!

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A picture of our STL vehicle in downtown Tunkas. More on why we were there later.Lately I’ve been traveling. I’ve been two hours to the east, and twice on 2+ hour trips to the south of Yucatán. My goal? It’s to find workers.

In the last print edition of our newsletter, I mentioned the organization, Power to Change, which is looking to bring the Jesus Film Project to the Yucatan. In this program, a team of two will visit churches to train action teams who will project the Jesus Film in the Maya language with the goal of planting a church within one month. The program is well defined and has produced some tremendous results all over the world, but the fact is that programs do not run themselves. They are only as good as the workers who take part in its execution.

For this reason, over the past two months, I’ve visited sectional meetings of pastors in order to promote the goal of partnering together to reach the Mayan culture. Through this promotion, I hope to find this team of two who can take the reins of this project and continue the work of evangelism among this marginalized people group. Not only will it require those who can speak the language, but it also calls for a special missionary vision to reach people throughout the state of Yucatan and beyond.

Would you pray with us? Pray that qualified, potential workers will respond. Pray as well that we will have God’s mind as our team selects those who will be trained to make up this Jesus Film Team.

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The following post is a guest submission from my brother Mike.  He’s a missionary to the university students of Washington DC where he directs the DC Chi Alpha Team and pastors a Chi Alpha chapter @ American University.  This post was first uploaded to his personal blog at and recounts his experiences with us here in the Yucatan.

I will always take students on short term mission trips. It’s amazing how the simplest truths become profound whe you experience them in a different cultural context. This exactly what happened on our spring break trip to Yucatán, Mexico.

I lead a group of AU Chi Alpha students to work with my brother Dave, who’s just beginning his second term as a missionary there. We partnered with Pastor Eucebio Pech in his outreach to 4 different communities in central Yucatan. It was a full week of ministry! We led or participated in 7 services and dug out the foundation for Pastor Eucebio’s mission in the town of Tunkás.

We were able to experience some amazing moments. On Sunday night, we saw God hold back the rain so we could lead the mission’s first ever open air outreach in Tunkás. On Monday, we participated in an outreach where dozens were fitted with a free pair of glasses–a daily reminder of the love of Jesus every time they put them on. The next day brought a surprise visit to the local cenote and we got a chance to go swimming in crystal clear water 80 feet below ground level. Wednesday gave us a chance to practice our balloon tying and help a share the gospel to all of the kids in San Antonio Chuc. O our last day of ministry, we experienced God’s presence as we prayed for the churches and visited members in 2 small communities. God held back the rain again that night, and we were able to do one last open air service in the town square.

I mentioned simple truths becoming profound on mission trips. For us, it was the power of pushing past discomfort to allow God to work through us. We slept in hammocks and shared one toilet for the entire team. It would have been more comfortable to stay in a hotel, but the location of the house helped us to maximize our work and opened a door for the owner to hear the gospel. It would have been easier to hide behind our limited Spanish and keep the Yucatecos at a distance, but when we pushed aside our embarrassment, relationships were formed and the love of Jesus was expressed. It would have been much more comfortable to use our lack of construction experience as an excuse to give a half-hearted effort, but when we pushed past inefficiency and sore muscles, wer able to see a hole turn into the foundation of a church. It was a lesson learned in Mexico, but it wasn’t left there. Our team prayer is that God would help us to step into the uncomfortable places we avoid on campus so we can depend on His power to do what we can’t. Profound truth, learned on the mission field, but meant to live by.

It’s interesting how God seems to speak more clearly to us as we move from our familiar surroundings and everyday routines. Did this article bring to mind something that God spoke to you when you were pushed past your comfort zone? Share it with us!

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Discipleship in progress... Discipleship has lost traction in our fragmented society. Once upon a time we had been discipled simply by exposure to the gospel both in teaching and in practice several times a week. Now, however, packed schedules and enticing alternatives to the classical Christian community have left us searching for ways to make disciples in the modern world where even professing Christians seem to have left their faith behind when it comes to everyday living.

We face the same challenge here in the Yucatán. The taste for Christian activities and the informal discipleship structure that they promote seems to be dwindling. Where Christian maturity was once on display several times a week to serve as a model for the younger or less mature, many are beginning to ask, “What does a mature Christian look like?” and “How do I become one?”

Fortunately, resources are out there for us to help answer these questions. Recently, El Centro Cristiano Gólgota has begun an intentional discipleship program based on materials offered for free by Global University. We’ve been blessed to be a part of team working to adapt the individual studies to a group format. Meeting once a week, we’re going step by step through the process of Christian growth with the goal of making discipleship a tangible, achievable process. The picture above is of one of those sessions.

How about you? Have you’ve been wondering lately about discipleship? Have you heard someone asking aloud what mature Christianity should look like? What steps have you or your church taken to make discipleship an intentional process?

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