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We are now at 73%! We are thankful to these latest supporters who have helped us reach this goal:

First A/G of Park Hills
First A/G of Camdenton
First A/G of Mountain View
Charles and Faith Berges of Brooklyn, NY

We’ve been blessed as we’ve been itinerating in Southern Missouri and beyond to be able to foster wonderful relationships throughout our fellowship. We want to thank those of you who have had a part in helping us along the road and those of you who have gone the extra mile to include us into your church family. One such relationship was deepened as we got a chance to share lunch with Matthew and Kristi Mason in Ellington, MO.

Rebekah had a fun time playing with Caitlin while the boys got to play on pastor’s drumset following our excellent lunch at the Orange Blossom. Even more fulfilling was the chance for Kelly and I to share in the joys and challenges that come with following God’s call as we spent the afternoon together. Isn’t this what carrying one another’s burdens all about?

Thank you Masons, and thanks to all who have made our itineration a joy.

We’ve moved that much closer to Mexico. We are at 71% thanks to these supporters:

Russellville A/G
Solid Rock Fellowship A/G of Lexington
Licking A/G

We appreciate all of you that are standing with us!

Folks, we’ve just reached 70%! Take a look at our map of Mexico. We have 40 more squares to fill in order to reach our support goal.

Thank you to our latest supporters:

1st Assembly of God of Fisk, MO
Grace Assembly of God of Florissant, MO
Rev Roger and Faith Perkin of Rocky Mount, MO

We are now officially at 68% with the help of these new members of our support team:

Mark Johnson of Saint Louis, MO
Blue Ridge A/G of Kansas City, MO
Life Community Church of Peculiar, MO

Thank you!

Road Trip!

We headed over to the Cape Girardeau section of Southern Missouri this weekend for two services, AM in Fisk and PM in Dexter. We had a great time ministering in both services and we were encouraged to see a good response to our message, including several around the altars on Sunday night.

A special thank you is in order for Ronnie and Francine Monehan who took us into their home for some much needed rest on Sunday afternoon. Thanks as well to Mikey, Lizzie, Joshua, and Jason Kohlbaker for readjusting their sleeping arrangements for the missionaries on Sunday night.

Here are some shots of the kids with Pastor Mike on Monday morning. Who says these MKs don’t have any fun?

Thanks to our new supporters, we’ve reached 67%

Thank you to:

Glad Tidings A/G of Middletown, PA
First Assembly of Desoto, MO
High Praise A/G of Bolivar, MO
Carol Ann Anderson of Springfield, MO

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” -Heb 12:1

The image above is a map of Mexico that Kelly created to depict what it will take in monthly commitments in order for us to make it to the field. Currently, we require 46 monthly commitments at $50 a piece in order to leave.

We completed the bottom part of the map today, listing those who had committed to us throughout our year-long itineration process. As we did this, we were reminded of the “Great Cloud of Witnesses” who are surrounding us with prayer and the financial support that it will take for us to be successful as missionaries to Mexico.

Last night at our service at First A/G in Carthage MO, Pastor Dan asked the congregation to come forward to pray for us at the close of the service. During the prayer time, it was impressed upon me that we are not going to the field on our own. We will be going equipped with the power of your prayers, and I am sure that as you agree in prayer with the Holy Spirit on our behalf, we cannot fail!

Thank you to all of you who make up our “Great Cloud of Witnesses”, and to those of you who will join with them in our support.


We have made it over the 64% mark thanks to these latest supporters:

First Assembly of God of Herculaneum
Robert and Valo Jones of Nevada
Paul and Judy Miller of Windsor

Thank you for joining the team!

We have new members on our support team!

Thank you to:

Grace Church in Rogersville
Joel and Amy Maxwell
Eldon First Assembly and Buffalo Assembly for their monthly support increases

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