On October 25th at 1:25 AM, Acapulco was impacted by Hurricane Otis, an unprecedented category 5 cyclone. In its wake of devastation, there was damage to 80% of the city’s commercial buildings and more than 270,000 homes. Officials state that 47 lives were lost due to the storm and 59 more are still missing.

Since the storm’s passing, we have not been idle. In addition to our fervent prayer for the victims of the storm, we have been in communication with local emergency response coordinators and the national leadership of the Assemblies of God of Mexico to assess the need and convey it to both Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) and Convoy of Hope (COH). These organizations have combined to send $50,000 to purchase relief supplies to help thousands. We have also been helping with logistics as COH looks to send relief supplies directly from the US to the needy of the area.
Victor Olivares, a leader of the local response team, has expressed his gratitude. He told us that his volunteers are distributing relief kits daily because of this generous response and support from neighboring communities. Still, a major need remains.
There are 75 Assemblies of God churches in addition to several parsonages that have been damaged or destroyed in the region affected by the storm. The cost to repair or reconstruct these buildings will be staggering–a burden too heavy for the residents of Acapulco to bear alone, especially since the economy from which they made their livelihood literally collapsed overnight. That’s why we’re making an appeal. Can you take a moment to consider what you might do to help them rebuild?
AGWM has set up a fund for reconstruction. By following this link, you can donate to help speed the recovery in Acapulco. In this moment of their desperate need would you respond with your generosity toward our brothers and sisters in Mexico? Thank you in advance for your help.
Photo Captions:
- Hurricane Otis surprised forecasters and shocked the residents of Acapulco as it moved from a tropical storm to a major hurricane in twelve hours’ time.
- Otis not only took the roof off of A/G church “La Amistad” but its heavy rains also undermined the foundation, threatening to collapse its walls.
- The response to the need has been swift. Thanks to gifts from AGWM and COH supplies such as these are being distributed daily. Relief has arrived, rebuilding remains.